
Floor by Floor Highlights

Leahy Hall contains interactive rehabilitation laboratories, flexible teaching facilities, classrooms, tele-health and research facilities. In addition, the building is seamlessly integrated with McGurrin Hall to promote interaction with related departments in the Leahy College of Health Sciences – Counseling and Human Services, Health Administration and Human Resources, Health and Human Performance, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.

The facility furthers our Jesuit mission and broaden the impact of the Leahy Clinic for the Uninsured by expanding services to the local community, including pro-bono physical therapy and low vision occupational therapy services provided by faculty and students.

Human Motion Laboratory: Sports biomechanics laboratory for the quantitative study and analysis of athletes and sports activities through mathematical modeling, computer simulation and measurement

Strength Laboratory: Students will learn advanced methods and techniques associated with the design of strength and conditioning programs to enhance human performance in sport and fitness

Pediatric and Rehabilitation Suite: An inclusive space where children with special needs can engage and explore their senses. The interactive equipment provides a multisensory experience with visual, auditory, tactile, vestibular and gross motor activities:

- Gross Motor Rehabilitation: Designed for training OT and PT students in assessing and providing treatment to children as it relates to gross motor skills using the large muscles in the arms, legs, torso and feet

- Fine Motor Rehabilitation: Designed for training students in assessing and providing treatment to children as it relates to fine motor skills using small muscle movements which occur in body parts such as the fingers, usually in coordination with the eyes

- Sensory/Snoezelen Room: Designed to develop people’s senses, usually through special lighting, music and objects to work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to older adults with dementia

Entry Courtyard and Reflection Garden: Entrance to the Panuska College of Professional Studies featuring a Reflection Garden to illustrate the connection between the care of the whole person and the Christian spiritual journey

Café: Community space featuring a historic display honoring the impacts of the YWCA building and our commitment to community health for the underserved

Dean’s Administrative Suite

Rehabilitation Apartment and Streetscape: Replica of daily environments to help patients relearn daily living skills; includes a city street, grocery store, car, garage, bus stop and a home

Forum: Dramatic, modern, flexible educational space with lecture capture technology 

Th Forum

Pediatric and Low Vision Research and Training Suite: Training on equipment that will benefit adults with visual deficits from stroke, traumatic brain injury, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and children with visual processing disorders

Telemedicine: Real-time videoconferencing facility for interaction with remote patients and settings to dramatically increase student/patient outreach and interaction

Hand and Rehabilitation Laboratory: Designed for treating conditions to optimize the functional use of the hand and arm, and treat fractures of the hand or arm, lacerations and amputations, burns and surgical repairs of tendons and nerves

Occupational Performance Laboratory: Interactive lab featuring many of the commercial and everyday tools, home maintenance and craft equipment a patient will encounter when returning to the workplace or home

Kinesiology and Physical Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Lab: Students will learn techniques for range of motion and muscle testing with emphasis on the movement and strength requirements to assist clients to perform daily life activities

Pediatrics Gross Motor Laboratory: Additional gross motor educational space for OT and PT students in assessing and providing treatment to children as it relates to gross motor skills

Green Roof Therapy Garden and Event Space: Outdoor laboratory surfaced with different materials, garden beds of varying heights and work areas accessible to users with differing abilities. This green roof will also be used as an event space for small receptions

Hospital Simulation: For the training of Physical Therapy and Family Nurse Practitioner students in advanced patient-management skills in a realistic setting

Rehabilitation and Neurological Physical Therapy Laboratory: Designed to train students in rehabilitation techniques and intervention strategies for neuromuscular diseases

Therapeutic Modalities and Orthopedic Physical Therapy Laboratory: Designed to train students in orthopedic therapeutic techniques and various mechanical, physical and electrical modalities

Active Learning Laboratory: A multi-media laboratory allows students to work in groups, utilize latest technologies, communication strategies, models and theories to develop and evaluate health education programs

Physiology Laboratory: Students will study the body’s response to a wide range of physical exercise conditions including level of exertion, type of exercise, amount of oxygen available in the air, source of metabolic energy and diet

Human Anatomy Laboratory: Technologically advanced lab to study human anatomy

Body Composition Laboratory: Lab will utilize state-of-the-art technology to measure body composition,including bone density, body fat mass and lean body mass

Practice Classroom: Will be used to teach biomechanics and orthopedics, strength and conditioning, sport psychology, methods of rehabilitation, and sport and exercise. CPR/First Aid/Automated External Defibrillation will also be taught in this classroom