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Diversity and Inclusion Planning Initiative

The Strategic Plan outlines our University community's shared commitment to diversity and inclusion, directing that we together: "reflect and understand the diversity of the world by demanding that diversity be a priority as we build an inclusive community and campus culture, develop and deliver our education and shape our student experience." One of the primary objectives for this goal is the development of a comprehensive, University-wide plan for diversity and inclusion.

The Diversity and Inclusion Planning Team & Process

Leading this work, a Diversity and Inclusion Planning Team is bringing together the momentum and insights from two groups: the University Planning Committee and the Council for Diversity and Inclusion. In addition to membership from both of these existing groups, the Team includes students and staff from other areas. In addition to preparing and presenting a draft plan, the Team will share recommendations for sustaining diversity and inclusion planning as ongoing area of practice.

In its first phase of work, the Team reviewed and reaffirmed assessment findings and recommendations, and gathered additional information and data across five broad areas:

  • Student Life: Activities, Initiatives, and Programming
  • Faculty and Staff Experience
  • Academic Life: Curriculum, Learning, and Research
  • Student Enrollment, Retention and Success
  • Alumni and Community Experience

Following analysis and robust conversation throughout the winter, spring, and summer of 2021, the Team submitted a full draft plan for campus review in fall 2021. Input from campus committees, governance groups, and through campus forums and other events was used to refine the draft plan, and helped shape the proposed implementation structure. The new plan was approved by the President's Cabinet and the Board of Trustees in February 2022. 

Team Charge and Membership - Winter 2020- Fall 2021

Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Email Elizabeth Garcia or Kate Yerkes, or planning@scranton.edu.

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