
Membership Expectations

In order to maximize your PBC experience, we encourage all Members to participate in as many opportunities as allowable.  Understanding the complexities of our Members’ schedules, we acknowledge that a list of mandatory Membership Expectations is not appropriate.

General Council Membership Expectations:
  • Attend Full Council meetings, Regional Networking Receptions, President’s Business Council Days, Annual Award Dinner Kickoff and regional “Meet the Honoree” Receptions.
  • Contribute a minimum of $1,500* annually ($750 for alumni within 10 years of graduation) to the President’s Business Council in support of the Presidential Scholarship Endowment Fund and the PBC student-related activities.  (* currently the value of 2 tickets to the Annual Award Dinner in October)
  • Serve on sub-committees of the PBC as needed.
  • Assist current University students with internship and/or job opportunities within your company or through your corporate contacts.
  • Participate as a Mentor/Coach to a current University student as part of the PBC/Kania SOM Career Coaches Program.
  • Host student trips to your company, if applicable.
  • Facilitate financial support for the Annual Award Dinner from your company, if available, and from friends/University alumni and, where possible, business colleagues toward the purchase of table/tickets, a contribution or program advertising.
  • Return to the University as an Executive-in-Residence or as a guest lecturer.
Executive Committee Membership Expectations:
  • All of the above criteria for General Council Membership.
  • Be available to attend at least one (1) Executive Committee meeting per year.
  • Facilitate the purchase of at least one (1) table for the Annual Award Dinner
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