
2012 Survey

2012 LibQual+TM Survey Results

Respondents to the Survey
An email invitation and four reminders were sent to a representative sample of 1450 randomly selected students (1078 undergraduate/ 372 graduate students) and to 475 faculty (272 fulltime and 203 part time). Our response rate was 12.20% (236 responses): 104 undergraduates, 31 graduates and 78 faculty. Three respondents identified themselves as staff. Since staff were not recruited, these respondents were either enrolled in undergraduate or graduate courses. Of the 236 responses, data is summarized for 216. Responses with more than 11 NA or inconsistent responses are thrown out of the analysis by LibQual+™

Respondents by major
Responses were highest for the following majors:

Number of Responses
Percent of Total 338 Responses

Exercise Science/OT/PT 95 13.69%
Nursing/Community Health Education
Social Sciences/Psychology 63 9.08%

In some disciplines, the number of responses exceeded the number in the random sample. This could be due to blurred lines among disciplines. Perhaps undeclared majors chose a discipline even though "undeclared" was one of the choices.

Most respondents of the 213 who provided data for demographics were in the 18-22 age bracket (99/ 46.48%). More women (213/64.79%) than men (75/35.21%) chose to respond.

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